Monograms are ubiquitous below the Mason-Dixon line. Heading south on I-95, you’ll start to spot initials in pink script on the rear windows of SUVs. Once reserved for fine linens, stationery and silver, you’ll find them on beer koozies, golf club covers and baseball caps. Nothing is safe.
A quick Google search revealed that Etsy shops specializing in monogrammed items do the vast majority of their business with Southerners. Why? I got one possible answer during a tour of Middleton Place.
Union soldiers raided Confederate family treasures during the Civil War and took them north. Some descendants are still tracking down art and china. Was it a cultural response? Monograms make it easier to identify heirlooms… and your beer.
Or, should we chalk it up to Southern pride. Monogramming is an extra step and expense. The adorned item is elevated beyond the ordinary – the common. With our initials, it’s suddenly personal, meaningful and a little more luxurious.
I stopped by The Scratch Pad in Mount Pleasant to order my monogrammed notecards. I also had a bow-tie monogrammed for my hubby at Mark and Graham. Next stop is Lands’ End for a tote and beach towels.
Initially, (bad pun) I had reservations but I’ve embraced monograms.